Sunday, April 27, 2008

day at the beach

today i ventured out of my norm and went to the beach. i haven't been to the beach in several years. the last time i went was in '04 and that was in the morning to snap pictures of the sunrise. before that, oh my.. it had been forever.
although i'm not one for the sun or sand, i actually had a wonderful time just hanging out with friends. i snapped a few pics of my adventure:) if anything, its just proof that i DO leave my computer from time to time.
view from the blanket
flock pair of seagulls
me and beth
me and beth's foot/leg
beth licking my toe
i had a wonderful time with my wonderful friends!! and the best part is, i have a sunburn to think about the whole experience for the next few days!

*instant snapshot*


Claudia said...

I've never been to a proper beach. As you probably know, they aren't easy to come by in some parts of Ohio. lol.

imajeanyus said...

yeah.. corn fields are plentiful up there.. but not beaches :)

well, if you get a chance to go, i would def recomend at least seeing. like i had mentioned, im not a beach person what so ever, but its still a great site :)