Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's 2010..

Man, I feel all futuristic just writing the year now.  Wasn't this the time frame that we all should be having personalized jet packs and robots in our houses do clean?  No? 

Another year has come and gone.. no, i didn't make any new years resolution - kudus to those who did and actually kept to their newly found "goals"  for at least the first full week of the year :)  i'm hoping for great things and happiness to come over me and my family in 2010.. but not just b/c its a new year..  guess just now sounds like the time for wishing and throwing things out there.. and topping it all off w/ "2010". 

I had a wonderful christmas... probably one of the best i have had in a while.  i haven't been with my dad and family in ohio for christmas in several years - since i was a teenager.  and with the help of one of my younger sisters, i was able to surprise everyone and showing up christmas eve.  it was really great.  i get tears in my eyes just thinking of the great time i had up there.  nothing too much was done.. but just being with my family was awesome.  it really stinks having your family spread out like that..  i would love to be closer.. but moving closer to one, leaves me further from another... i over think a lot of things and moving is one of those things i have kicked in my head for several years. 

i'm not too sure what today's blog post is all about.. considering i haven't posted in a couple of months (typical) i just had the urge to blog.  hopefully i'll get the urge to blog again soon, and maybe.. just maybe.. someone will have the patience to read through my dribble.

happy janunary, everyone.

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